Who is Adam Deo?

Welcome to my website; you may be here because a client or a friend gave you my name, you may have seen something on social media, or you may have just been searching for some marketing help on the internet. Anyway, I wanted to write an article to tell you a little about myself. I’ve written this post Q&A style. You can read the whole thing or scan through it and read what you want.

Question: What’s your story, and how many businesses have you helped Adam?

I’ve helped over 60 businesses across North America get more customers online. I started right out of college in 2019. In January 2019, I graduated from university with a mountain of debt at 23 years old. Great start, right?

I stayed up all night, looking at the ceiling, thinking about how I would tell my girlfriend (now wife) about my stupidity. I had just received a piece of paper (my BBA) that said I was supposed to know something about business.

It didn’t feel like that. I was scared, and after telling Julia about the situation, I concluded 2 things:

1. I need to marry this girl.

2. I need to devise a plan to pay this debt off quickly.

I knew Julia and I could do it, and after praying about it, I felt certain we would pay off every cent in under two years. I got a 9-5 job, but I knew I needed to make more to hit the target.

We would need a much higher income if we wanted to pay this debt in under two years (over 100K). I enjoyed my marketing classes in college, so I started researching and spent some money to learn Internet marketing through coaching, books, and courses. I started my marketing business and signed my first client in April.

I worked 40 hours a week at my 9-5 and 30 hours at my business. Within three months, the business income was much higher than my 9-5 income. We cash flowed the wedding and paid off the debt in 1 year and 11 months. God is good. Prayer and hard work really do get the job done.

Julia and I:

Adam Deo

Question: How did you get into marketing, and why do you like it?

I’ve been in Marketing since 2018; I started as a Marketing Intern at Troika Developments while finishing my business degree at Okanagan College in Kelowna. That was a lot of fun; I saw inbound leads come in from many different sources (blogs, online ads…etc.) and was immediately hooked. New customers were learning about the business daily and inquiring because of what the Marketing team was doing. Obviously, the sales team was reaching out to those leads, scheduling appointments, answering questions and closing deals, however! Those people were finding out about Troika because of what the marketing team was doing, and that’s what I got obsessed with. I was fascinated by the art of crafting a message that articulated how you could solve your target market’s problem and entice them enough to reach out.

The only way we make a living is by providing a service in the form of work to our fellow man. We should choose a service we are passionate about and good at providing. Some people put out fires; others do surgery, build houses, cook delicious meals….etc. I help business owners get more customers. It makes sense to me, and I feel it’s part of what I was created to do.

Question: What’s your philosophy?

It’s really simple; it’s all based on serving your ideal customer and improving their life with your product or service. Most business owners I’ve spoken to have one of three problems:

  1. They don’t know who their ideal customer is.
  2. They don’t know how to get in front of their ideal customer.
  3. They don’t know how to create a message their ideal customer will respond to.

Your ideal customer is not always your highest-paying client; it may be the person you enjoy working with the most. Making money is essential, but do you want to know what else is necessary? Having time to enjoy the fruits of your labour with your family and actually liking your customers so you’re not dreading going to work every day. If you have a good business, you’ll make great money; you’ll enjoy your work, and you’ll like most of your customers whilst having time to spend with your family and friends. I want to help you create that by helping you solve the above three problems.

Question:  How much do you charge, and how long will I need to work with you?

I charge $3000 + GST for 6 1 hour coaching calls. I’ll review my 6-step program with you, and in 6 weeks, you’ll know who your ideal customer is and how to make them aware of your business using paid and free marketing strategies so they can learn who you are and reach out to you. No more guessing. No more wasting time and money on ad hoc strategies. No more guessing and hoping. I’m going to teach you how to create effective marketing strategies that, if done properly, will get the cash register ringing.

Remember, If you have a good business, you’ll make great money, you’ll enjoy your work, and you’ll like most of your customers whilst having time to spend with your family and friends. I want to help you create that.


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